Rolfing® FAQ

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    How does the rolfing session work?
    1. The session begins with a short observation phase (body reading). The client positions themselves and is asked to take a few steps. As they do so, the Rolfer™ notes their patterns of posture and movement.
    2. This is followed by manual work on the body’s fascia network. The person being treated lies on the treatment table or sits on a treatment bench, while the Rolfer™ uses their fingers, knuckles, fists and lower arms to work the layers of the fascia.
    3. During or after the manual treatment, there is often an interactive section involving movement and perception training.
  • A rolfing series generally consists of ten sessions, each lasting 75 minutes, taking place between one and three weeks apart. Each meeting builds systematically on the previous one. During the course of treatment, the body gradually realigns within the gravitational field. The body finds a natural, more effortless posture with increased freedom of movement and an improved physical feeling. The results of the manual treatment are consolidated by targeted movement training and activation of self perception.

  • To consolidate what has been learned, or if the individual chooses to do so, the series of ten sessions can be continued and supplemented. A treatment concept is developed for the further sessions based on the situation at that point. Top sportspersons and people who endure significantly one-sided physical stresses in the workplace are particularly likely to require further treatment.

  • It’s not essential to complete the full series of ten sessions. After each session, the client is asked whether or not they wish to continue treatment.

  • Since rolfing helps to bring back the fascia and muscles' function and elasticity and increases the client’s self-perception, the body realigns itself within the gravitational field. What’s more, the person’s general relationship with their environment also changes for the better. The effect of Rolfing® on each client nevertheless depends on individual physical, mental and spiritual factors, and their interplay. Also crucial is the client’s openness and willingness to participate actively in the change process. That’s why there is no straight answer to the question of how long the benefit lasts.

  • Rolfing initially had a reputation of being painful. Back then, manual treatments were more intense, but rolfing has developed continuously, and a more pleasant form of manipulative fascia work has become established as a result. Nevertheless, different people perceive the intensity of the treatment differently, depending on various factors. Some perceive it as pleasantly relaxing, while others find it more intense (a kind of pain that feels good). It’s important that people’s individual pain thresholds are never exceeded, however.

  • Considering the session is held by directly touching the skin, the client wears underwear during the session. That means men boxer shorts or sports briefs and dames, hip-briefs and preferably a standard bra, or swimwear. You can also wear non-tightening clothes like a light tank top and lightweight summer trousers if being exposed in underwear is not comfortable for you.

  • The woman must inform the Rolfer if she is pregnant, since treatment of pregnant women differs significantly from general rolfing treatments. Treatment is not advisable during the first trimester. From the second and third trimesters, rolfing can be applied in agreement with the client’s doctor. Depending on the woman’s history and the course of her pregnancy, rolfing can actually help reduce or even prevent potential problems during pregnancy.

  • Rolfing can help with a wide variety of structural problems in children too. The process is also extremely useful in guiding them towards holistic healthcare. Children’s sessions are shorter and the intervals between the sessions are longer.

  • Wholism is a word that has become somewhat of a catch-all for health in general, but it is also a great way to describe the difference between myofascial release and Rolfing. Myofascial release works in select areas where the fascia, or connective tissue in the body, is "stuck" or "pinned down." Rolfing includes elements of the same technique but takes it to a complete level. We consider the entire body in the picture, not just the area that hurts, making it a holistic therapy that balances the whole body, mind and soul.

  • A Rolfing basic session costs 10’000 yen and lasts 75 minutes. About 10 min to 20 min interview and movement exploration and 50 to 60 min manual work. Time for changing clothes is not in the 75 minutes included.
